LLVM/project badd355llvm/lib/Transforms/Vectorize LoopVectorize.cpp

Address comment

Created using spr 1.3.5
+30-241 files

LLVM/project aae3835lld/MachO ObjC.cpp, lld/test/MachO objc-category-merging-complete-test.s objc-category-merging-extern-class-minimal.s

[lld-macho] Make category merging symbol names match ld64 (#90864)

When generating symbols for various category constructs, make sure the
symbol names match the format of those generated by ld64 when it does
category merging.
+7-73 files

LLVM/project ff0d09clld/MachO ObjC.cpp

[lld-macho][NFC] Simplify category merging code (#90856)

We modify category merging code to simplify it, as follows:
- We can simplify InfoWriteSection to not be templated - this is not
really necessary.
 - We remove PointerListInfo::categoryOffset as it is not used.
+27-421 files

LLVM/project 3016c06llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation MemorySanitizer.cpp, llvm/test/Instrumentation/MemorySanitizer vscale.ll vector-load-store.ll

[NFCI][msan] Use IntPtr for vscales origin for consistency (#90920)

+93-913 files

LLVM/project 18707f5clang/test/Profile debug-info-instr_profile_switch.cpp

[clang][PGO][test] Relax FileCheck patterns in debug-info-instr_profile_switch.cpp (#90916)

Caused build-bot failures on various platforms.
+1-11 files

LLVM/project c66aa4dllvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation MemorySanitizer.cpp


Created using spr 1.3.4
+4-21 files

LLVM/project 1b8f293llvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU memory-legalizer-global-agent.ll memory-legalizer-global-workgroup.ll

combine ifs

Created using spr 1.3.4
+36,822-75,997949 files not shown
+88,145-214,398955 files

LLVM/project fec4ebellvm/test/CodeGen/AMDGPU memory-legalizer-global-agent.ll memory-legalizer-global-workgroup.ll

[𝘀𝗽𝗿] changes introduced through rebase

Created using spr 1.3.4

[skip ci]
+36,822-75,997948 files not shown
+88,142-214,395954 files

LLVM/project 95f3d76llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation MemorySanitizer.cpp, llvm/test/Instrumentation/MemorySanitizer vscale.ll vector-load-store.ll

[𝘀𝗽𝗿] initial version

Created using spr 1.3.4
+91-913 files

LLVM/project ff210b9clang/test/CodeGen attr-target-clones-aarch64.c

[FMV][NFC] Add test for bti and mte check in resolver.
+423-111 files

LLVM/project 9058ce5llvm/test/Instrumentation/MemorySanitizer vscale.ll

[msan] Add vscale origin test
+351-01 files

LLVM/project 83fdcf2llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation MemorySanitizer.cpp, llvm/test/Instrumentation/MemorySanitizer vscale.ll

[msan] Fix vscale alloca poisoning (#90912)

+60-32 files

LLVM/project 13a8bfdllvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation MemorySanitizer.cpp, llvm/test/Instrumentation/MemorySanitizer vscale.ll


Created using spr 1.3.4
+9-92 files

LLVM/project 38511f1bolt/include/bolt/Core BinaryFunction.h, bolt/lib/Core BinaryFunction.cpp

disassemble instruction

Created using spr 1.3.4
+41-155 files

LLVM/project f21c7c5bolt/include/bolt/Core BinaryFunction.h, bolt/lib/Core BinaryFunction.cpp

[𝘀𝗽𝗿] changes introduced through rebase

Created using spr 1.3.4

[skip ci]
+15-134 files

LLVM/project a139e4allvm/lib/Transforms/IPO FunctionImport.cpp, llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86 import_callee_declaration.ll

Add test coverage for import delcaration
+125-63 files

LLVM/project a7e9e3elldb/include/lldb/Host Host.h, lldb/source/Host/common Host.cpp

[lldb] Add a log level to Host::SystemLog (#90904)

Add the ability to specify a log level to Host::SystemLog.
+44-73 files

LLVM/project 8e5de71llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation MemorySanitizer.cpp, llvm/test/Instrumentation/MemorySanitizer vscale.ll

[𝘀𝗽𝗿] initial version

Created using spr 1.3.4
+60-32 files

LLVM/project 2d15855lldb/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX MachProcess.mm, lldb/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/arm64 DNBArchImplARM64.cpp

[lldb] [debugserver] address preprocessor warning, extra arg (#90808)

In DNBArchImplARM64.cpp I'm doing
#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) && defined(__LP64__)
And the preprocessor warns that this is not defined behavior. This
checks if ptrauth_calls is available and if this is being compiled
64-bit (i.e. arm64e), and defines a single DEBUGSERVER_IS_ARM64E when
those are both true.

I did have to duplicate one DNBLogThreaded() call which itself is a
macro, and using an ifdef in the middle of macro arguments also got me a
warning from the preprocessor.

While testing this for all the different targets, I found a DNBError
initialization that accepts a c-string but I'm passing in a printf-style
formatter c-string and an argument. Create the string before the call
and pass in the constructed string.

+24-212 files

LLVM/project 9dca7ddutils/bazel/llvm-project-overlay/mlir BUILD.bazel

+40-01 files

LLVM/project 954d00elldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/Mach-O ObjectFileMachO.cpp

[lldb] MachO delay-init binaries don't load as dependent
+10-11 files

LLVM/project 4113e15clang/lib/CodeGen CodeGenFunction.h, clang/test/Profile debug-info-instr_profile_switch.cpp

[clang][PGO] Apply artificial DebugLoc to llvm.instrprof.increment instructions (#90717)

Prior to this change the debug-location for the
`llvm.instrprof.increment` intrinsic was set to whatever the current
DIBuilder's current debug location was set to. This meant that for
switch-statements, a counter's location was set to the previous case's
debug-location, causing confusing stepping behaviour in debuggers. This
patch makes sure we attach a dummy debug-location for the increment

+43-12 files

LLVM/project 39172bcclang/lib/AST ASTContext.cpp, clang/lib/Basic TargetInfo.cpp

[HLSL] Cleanup TargetInfo handling (#90694)

We had some odd places where we set target behaviors. We were setting
the long size in target-specific code, but it should be language-based.
We were not setting the Half float type semantics correctly, and instead
were overriding the query in the AST context.

This change it moves existing code to the right places in the Target so
that as we continue working on target and language feature they are
controlled in the right places.

It also fixes a bug where the size of `half` was computed incorrectly
when native half types are not supported.
+22-104 files

LLVM/project 0c2a508libcxx/utils/ci docker-compose.yml

Bump actions runner image used for libc++'s builders.

The builders are not producing warnings about the runner version being
out of date. This is an attempt to fix that.
+1-11 files

LLVM/project 26060deflang/include/flang/Optimizer/Builder FIRBuilder.h, flang/include/flang/Semantics tools.h

[flang][cuda] Lower device/managed/unified allocation to cuda ops (#90623)

Lower locals allocation of cuda device, managed and unified variables to
fir.cuda_alloc. Add fir.cuda_free in the function context finalization.

@vzakhari For some reason the PR #90526 has been closed when I merged PR
#90525. Just reopening one.
+107-116 files

LLVM/project d129ea8libcxx/include string

[libcxx] Align `__recommend() + 1`  by __endian_factor (#90292)

This is detected by asan after #83774

Allocation size will be divided by `__endian_factor` before storing. If
it's not aligned,
we will not be able to recover allocation size to pass into

we have code like this 
 auto __allocation = std::__allocate_at_least(__alloc(), __recommend(__sz) + 1);
    __p               = __allocation.ptr;

void __set_long_cap(size_type __s) _NOEXCEPT {
    __r_.first().__l.__cap_     = __s / __endian_factor;
    __r_.first().__l.__is_long_ = true;

    [17 lines not shown]
+2-21 files

LLVM/project 18058f2llvm/lib/Support GraphWriter.cpp

[llvm][GraphWriter] Resize std::string, instead of reassigning to substr (NFC)

* Don't call substr which creates a new string instance
* Only call string method if string length is larger than 140

Closes #90324
+2-11 files

LLVM/project 90bd723clang/include/clang/Driver Distro.h, clang/lib/Driver Distro.cpp

Add support of the next Ubuntu (Ubuntu 24.10 - Oracular Oriol)
+3-12 files

LLVM/project 7298ae3clang/lib/CodeGen CGBuiltin.cpp, clang/test/CodeGen builtins-bitint.c builtins.c

[clang][CodeGen] Fix in codegen for __builtin_popcountg/ctzg/clzg (#90845)

Make sure that the result from the popcnt/ctlz/cttz intrinsics is
unsigned casted to int, rather than casted as a signed value, when
expanding the __builtin_popcountg/__builtin_ctzg/__builtin_clzg

An example would be
  unsigned _BitInt(1) x = ...;
  int y = __builtin_popcountg(x);
which previously was incorrectly expanded to
  %1 = call i1 @llvm.ctpop.i1(i1 %0)
  %cast = sext i1 %1 to i32

Since the input type is generic for those "g" versions of the builtins
the intrinsic call may return a value for which the sign bit is set
(that could typically for BitInt of size 1 and 2). So we need to emit a
zext rather than a sext to avoid negative results.
+142-163 files

LLVM/project b24aeefllvm/utils/gn/secondary/libcxx/include BUILD.gn

[gn build] Port 17f006207cb2
+2-01 files